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Services Offered to registered guests
December 2nd, 2024-March 7th, 2024:

Shelter from the Cold

Low-barrier means that Welcome Inn accepts guests exactly as they are.  More specifically, aside from rules that ensure the safety of other guests, volunteers and staff, Welcome Inn places few stipulations on its guests that would otherwise restrict their access when no other options are available.

Welcome Inn also works with a group of churches that provide overnight accommodations for guests.  These churches are also low-barrier so that 24-hour sheltering is available at a time of year when the denial of care, for some, would result in dire consequences.


Warm and Nutritious Meals

Welcome Inn provides warm and nutritious meals that are prepared and served onsite, 3 times daily.  On average, Welcome Inn volunteers serve over 10,000 meals every season.

Case Management & Health Care

With an onsite case manager, Welcome Inn is able to connect guests to available resources and, when necessary, help guest prepare to meet the qualifications of higher-level service providers.

Welcome Inn guests also have access to volunteer nurses who provide onsite basic health-screenings and referrals to alternate healthcare providers when necessary. 


Collaborative Care

Though most guests don't qualify for higher-level services, Welcome Inn works actively with other area service providers in an effort to reach those who do.  

All collaborative partners are provided access to private meeting spaces so that they may effectively address the variety of needs our guests possess.

South Oakland Citizens for the Homeless: Welcome Inn Day Center 

the non-profit organization dedicated to providing community response to homelessness since 2003.

Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming space for those experiencing homelessness,

offering compassionate support and practical assistance to help

people transition out of difficult situations.

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